When your dog notices you preparing to leave the house, does it make them anxious? When you get home, do they go crazy with excitement? During your absence, did they ruin your shoes, rip the door off, or gnaw off the corner of an end table?
Your dog can be anxious about being alone.
What’s That?
A dog that is extremely devoted to its owner may have separation anxiety as a result of extreme stress when left alone. It goes beyond a little grumbling before you go or some mischievous behavior while you’re away. It’s a severe ailment and a major cause of owners losing patience with their pets and giving them up. However, there are several ways you may assist.
First, ascertain the reason for your dog’s behavior
whether they’ve never been left alone before or when they’re accustomed to being around people
Transfer of ownership
Transferring to a house from a shelter
Changes to the family’s routine or schedule
Death of a family member
Separation Anxiety Symptoms
When a dog has it, they become quite stressed out when left alone. They could
Too much barking, howling, or whining
Have indoor “accidents” despite being housebroken
Chew things up, dig holes, and scuff doors and windows.
More than usual drool, perspire, or salivate
Pace, frequently following an obsession
Try to go away
When you’re nearby, they probably won’t take any of these actions too far. While a dog without separation anxiety may occasionally engage in some of these behaviors, when left alone, a dog with separation anxiety will engage in them nearly constantly.
How to Handle It
Consult your veterinarian first to rule out any health issues. Dogs may occasionally have accidents within the home as a result of illnesses, hormone issues, or other medical disorders. It may also be the result of partial home invasion. Additionally, certain drugs may result in mishaps. Ask your veterinarian whether they are to blame if your dog consumes any medicines.
If the Issue Is Only Minor
Every time you leave, give your dog a special reward (such as a peanut butter-filled puzzle toy). Give them this gift just while you’re out of the house, and then take it away when you return.
Keep your arrivals and departures low-key and avoid exchanging many greetings. For the first several minutes after you arrive home, ignore your dog.
Take some of your freshly laundered garments outside to smell like you.
Give over-the-counter natural soothing supplements to your pet.
If the Problem Is More Serious
Even the greatest snacks won’t be able to divert an anxious dog. You’ll have to gradually acclimatise them to your absence.
When they see you’re going to leave, such as putting on your shoes or getting your keys, they could become anxious. Thus, carry out those actions, but stay still thereafter. After putting on your shoes, take a seat at the table. While you watch TV, pick up your keys. Repeat several times a day, this.
You can gradually start to fade away if your dog begins to feel less nervous about it. Simply go to the other side of the door first. After you’ve asked your dog to stay, shut an inside door between you. After a little while, reappear. Increase the duration of your absences gradually. Grab your keys and put on your shoes. While you go into another room, ask your dog to stay.
As they become more accustomed to the “stay game,” extend your absences. Next, exit through a different door from the one you use every day. Before you depart, make sure your dog is at ease.
When your dog is ready to be left alone for extended periods of time, only you can judge. Take your time. Once you’ve increased the time apart to around ten seconds, give them a whole reward. Be composed both when you go and when you come back.
Increase the duration gradually until you are able to spend a few minutes outside the house. Then continue to avoid for increasing amounts of time.
For Every Dog
Ensure that your pet receives enough of daily activity. When you go, a happy, weary dog won’t be as anxious. It’s also crucial to mentally push your cat. Engage in fetch and training games. Make use of interactive puzzles. Engage their minds in addition to their bodies. While you’re gone, that will keep them occupied, content, and too exhausted to be worried. If these suggestions don’t work, see a licensed animal behaviorist or veterinarian.